Monday, March 09, 2009

What is it with domestic violence? This whole Chris Brown and Rhianna incident is crazy. The first question everyone seems to ask is what did she do? Does it matter?!! If the reports we are getting is true, Chris Brown went Mike Tyson on a woman. There is no acceptable reason for a man to beat a woman like he was on pay per view. Chris Brown was raised by a single mother. He should have the utmost respect for women. His mom stayed around to raise him. She didn't abandon him. He said he saw her struggles. That alone should have made him more respectful. I hope this is all hype because I truly like Chris Brown's music.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I am excited by this presidential election. History has been made. Never before has a woman or a black man gone so far in the elections. I would love to see Barak become president. I think he is the best man for the job and he has managed to hold on to his integrity and not stoop down to the dirty political games.